CPH Office__Locations_Online_MR19
Location descriptions | Office – Market Report 2019
Located some five kilometres north of the Copenhagen city centre and east of Ring Road 2, Tuborg Nord has for some time been a highly prestigious non-CBD office location with top rents almost on a par with the absolute peak levels recorded in the inner Harbour Districts. Tuborg Nord has traditionally been preferred by law firms, professional consul- tancies and financial institutions, but the location is increasingly competing with other office locations such as Nordhavn. Compared to these rivalling office locations, Tuborg Nord is hampered by inferior infra- structure and is gradually ousted as one of the most sought-after office locations. Due to non-competitive rent levels and high property taxes at Tuborg Nord, demand has shifted towards smaller offices in the older building stock in other areas of Hellerup. Lyngby/Gladsaxe Thanks to excellent motorway access, the Lyngby and Gladsaxe office locations have seen mounting demand in recent years. Located near the affluent residential districts of northern Zealand and a short distance from Copenhagen, the district offers lease opportu- nities for domestic and international companies in search for large-scale office premises. Furthermore, knowledge-intensive businesses prefer the location as DTU provides a large pool of highly skilled labour. As a result, businesses in the fields of IT, insurance and biotech, etc. have settled in the vicinity. Current large-scale office users include Microsoft, Maersk Drilling, BRF Kredit, Danica Pension and COWI. The north corridor Covering large areas along the motorway to Elsinore (Helsingør), the north corridor stretches across office parks in Vedbæk, Hørsholm, Nivå and Kokkedal, dating mainly from the 1980s. Located close to the motorway, the district benefits from good access by car,
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