Colliers København Delrapport 2023 UK
12 cafés and restaurants, etc., a cinema, a fitness centre in addition to two hours’ free parking. Ro’s Torv has 1,100 parking spaces. Just like the other regional shopping cen tres, Ro’s Torv hosts various activities and events, with a particular focus on art. Owned also by DADES, Waves in Hundige is anchored by supermarket chain Bilka. Waves comprises 110 shop units and offers a strong F&B selection as well as 3,000 free parking spaces. The most recent newcomer to the regional shopping cen tre scene in Copenhagen is BIG Shopping in Herlev, offering a fresh mix of typical big box retailers and traditional shop ping-centre retailers, strong grocery anchors, several eat eries, a cinema, a fitness centre, and an indoor playground. BIG offers 1,000 parking spaces for free. Local shopping centres The Greater Copenhagen market for local shopping centres is slightly more fragmented in the sense that there is a con
siderable difference in quality between prime and second ary facilities.
Local shopping centres are typically anchored by one or more supermarket tenants. In addition, they often feature a varying range of specialty shops, including pharmacies, hairdressers, etc., catering to the needs of the local catch ment area. In Greater Copenhagen alone, there are about 35 local shopping centres with an area of 5,000+ sq m and 35 units on average. Local shopping centres are found mainly near local traffic hubs such as metro or S-train stations. Big box segment In Greater Copenhagen, big box clusters are located mainly at Lyngby/Gentofte, Høje-Taastrup and Ishøj, all anchored by IKEA or Ilva. Secondary locations are found at Gladsaxe, Rødovre, Glostrup, Albertslund, Valby and at Kirstinehøj on the island of Amager.
Copenhagen Local market report to Colliers Market Report 2023
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