OS Colliers Office tenant guide
Occupier Services
3 rd step Committing to premises Workplace design issues When a leasing agreement has been entered into, the workplace fit-out process needs to be activated immediately. At this stage, you should have completed: • a needs analysis • space budgets • a test fit • the fit-out description. This will enable you to engage a designer with accu rate information regarding your organisation’s re quirements. The sooner a designer is engaged, the better the outcome will be. It is vital that this stage is viewed as an investment in the organisation’s future and not merely a new fit-out. The fit-out should be linked with the organisational strategy and will con tribute to the transformation of the workplace into a collaborative and dynamic working environment.
Compare your options using a lease analysis model
It is critical that all aspects of the fit‑out are assessed to determine their contribution towards the overall objec tives. The identification of positive and negative compo nents through the audit process provides the opportunity to maximise the effectiveness of the final plan and poten tially minimise the cost of the fit‑out.
Colliers has developed a lease analysis model designed to compare leasing options on a finan cial basis, using an apples-to-apples approach. The model allows the comparison of lease pro posals from multiple lessors, demonstrating the cost of the financial offer (taking into considera tion incentives, rent and term) over the life of the lease. Fit-out costs Fit‑out costs can be defined as all construction costs incurred from the handover to the move-in. In Denmark, leases are typically delivered turn key, based on tenant requiremtens. Generally, the handover condition will include floors, demis ing partitions with doors, meeting rooms, ceil ings, wiring, ambient lighting, kitchenettes, bath rooms and access control to the leasehold as well as delivery of sprinklers and HVAC ducting. It is important to also mention that the fit‑out can in clude cabling, which needs to be firmed up with the landlord. It is crucial to understand exactly what you are paying for as part of the rent so as to really be able to compare on an apples-to-ap ples basis.
Lease negotiations In Denmark, it is customary to work in parallel with draft leases and fit-out descriptions to finalise the par ticulars. The parties work directly in the different ele ments of the lease bundle and agree upon terms and conditions. If required, a heads of terms document will be used to brief internal stakeholders and lawyers to prepare the final lease agreement. A letter of intent document is only infrequently seen, as it is generally not legally binding. Since both parties invest internal and external resources, the increased commitment is accepted as mutually obligating.
CASE: Rambøll Esbjerg
Colliers identified an 11,111 sq m bespoke and flexible office, located on a landmark site. This enhances corporate branding, secures talent attraction and staff retention.
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