Odense Locations MR2020
Location descriptions | Odense – Market Report 2020
Odense has the following main residential development areas:
Odense Harbour A masterplan earmarks Odense Harbour as a high-priority development area in Odense, allowing for the construction of some 2,500 new residential units over the next 10-20 years, which will benefit from an attractive waterfront location and proximity to recrea- tional areas such as Åløkke Forest. Vollsmose Vollsmose is a neighbourhood north east of Odense, approx 3 kilometres from the city centre. The neighbourhood has approx ten thousand residents, with a large number of households with children. The building stock is currently characterised by consisting almost exclusively of social housing. The planned transformation of Vollsmose will split the area into smaller neighbourhoods and reduce the proportion of social housing from the current 98% to a maximum of 40%. Additionally, public infrastructure with the light rail system will improve access to the rest of the city. Bolbro Gartnerbyen is located at Bolbro, approx one kilometre west of the city centre on the grounds of the previous GASA fruit, flower and vegetable market. The development plans are based on the past function, featuring and incorporating green roads, parks and living areas. When fully developed, the neighbourhood will form an attractive and dynamic mixed-use area with approx 140,000 sq m new space. In addition to rental and owner-occupied housing, the area will include a hotel, health clinic and supermarkets and other commercial buildings. Østerbro Østerlunden is centrally located one kilometre east of the city centre at Østerbro and Lollandsgade. Letting of stage one with 240 flats was completed in 2019, and the area is expected to be fully developed by 2020 with approx 400 units and 1,000 residents. In addition to flats and terraced houses, the area will have common recreational areas. The area used to be home to a COOP warehouse and is being developed by Topdanmark Ejendomme.
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