Project Grid

Process approach

Colliers recommends a process approach where an initial investor long list is narrowed down by soft-testing the appetite of the investors ahead of entering the marketing phase, thereby reducing the field of prospective investors (short list).

Investor long list Colliers prepares a long list based on our experience from previous processes and general market knowledge .


40-50 investors

Soft-testing Colliers is testing the long-listed investors’ conceptual appetite (location, segment, volume, etc.) for the Portfolio based on high-level information.


15-25 investors

Marketing phase 15-25 investors are invited to the process, where the number of interested investors will naturally drop as they review the sales material and analyse the Portfolio.


5-10 investors

Indicative bids At the end of the marketing phase, we expect 3-5 investors to deliver indicative bids (potentially over two rounds), one of which is selected as the preferred investor to be granted exclusivity.


3-5 investors

Colliers| Proposal for advisory services | 17

Exclusivity The preferred investor will during the exclusivity period conduct due diligence and the transaction documents are to be negotiated and ultimately signed, followed by closing at an agreed date.


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