Project Grid

Introduction to buyer universe

We have prepared an investor long list as well as our view on the most likely indicative bidders.

For further information about Colliers’ recommendation for investor long list , please see separate Excel sheet.

40-50 investors

Based on the soft-testing, Colliers will prepare a recommended investor short list (to be approved by the Seller before the process is initiated).

15-25 investors

During the marketing phase, Colliers will keep track of all investor dialogues and share updated investor lists with the Seller on a regular basis.

5-10 investors

For further information about Colliers’ view on the most likely indicative bidders, please see the investor spotlight on the following pages (p. 23).

3-5 investors

Colliers| Proposal for advisory services | 22

Colliers will prepare an overview of the indicative bids, which can assist the Seller in the selection of the preferred investor, which will be granted exclusivity.

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