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Colliers’ services

Colliers offers to head the overall preparation, structuring and execution of the transaction. The workstreams and services generally fall into three main phases as set out below.

Preparation phase

Marketing phase

DD and negotiation phase

• Overall structuring and planning of the sales process, including a detailed time schedule with specific milestones for all parties involved. • Structuring of complete virtual data room, including collection and review of all relevant material in this connection – in close cooperation with the Client’s legal advisor. • Advice, coordination and assistance in preparing potential vendor due diligence and other relevant process documentation. • Advice, coordination and assistance in connection with a potential W&I tender process. • Preparation of sales material, usually comprising NDA, teaser, IM, financial data package and process letter. • General advice in relation to other relevant matters such as transaction structure, tactical sales process design, bid instructions, etc.

• Distribution, negotiation and signing of the NDA by potential investors – in close cooperation with the Client’s legal advisor. • Overall management of the sales process and investor dialogue based on the agreed sales process design and the approved sales material. • Facilitating and leading investor presentations, property tours and similar with potential investors during the marketing phase. • Support potential investors in their evaluation and underwriting of the opportunity, including strategic bid guidance. • Advice in the evaluation of bids received and choice of next steps, including selection of preferred investor with whom to proceed.

• Negotiation of HoT, including a detailed timeline for the completion of the transaction. • Overall structuring, planning and coordination of the DD phase, including facilitation of additional property tours, Q&A sessions and similar. • Management and gatekeeping of the virtual data room and Q&A process. • Strategic advice and assistance in the negotiation phase, including assistance in the final SPA negotiations. • Assistance as required in the completion of the transaction and communication with relevant stakeholders in this connection.

Colliers| Proposal for advisory services | 40

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