Project Westfield


Investment highlights

Location in Greater Copenhagen

Rent potential

Structural shift towards renting

The properties are located in major suburban areas and offer excellent opportunities due to their proximity to Copenhagen. Investors can ben efit from the demand for housing from individuals who prefer to live outside the city but still have easy access to its amenities and job op portunities. The area’s proximity to Copenhagen ensures a steady rent al market, providing a reliable in come stream for property owners.

The consistent demand and dynam ic nature of the residential market in the areas of the properties allows for rent increases without the need for extensive refurbishment costs. The optimal location, the modern amenities and growing demand for properties in the area create an ide al opportunity for reletting at signif icantly higher prices. By harness ing this rental potential, investors can achieve a significant increase in monthly earnings and maximise their return on investment.

The steady increase in ownership values over an extended period cou pled with restricted availability and stricter lending regulations have contributed to a transition within the Danish residential market, that is, an increasing preference for rent al housing over ownership.


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