Focus report Copenhagen - Colliers Denmark 2024




modate more than 40,000 residents and some 40,000 workplaces in 2050. Today, the area is home to more than 11,000 workplaces. The Nordhavn district includes Århusgadekvarteret, which is now believed to be largely fully developed. Today, Aarhusgadekvarteret has more than 2,500 residents. New areas also include the artificial island of Kronløbsøen and Nordø, formerly known as Redmolen. Completed at the turn of the year 2023/2024, Kronløbsøen offers 233 ownership units in DGNB Gold-certified buildings. PFA is the developer behind Nordø, which will extend to approx. 55,000 sq m floorspace across approx. 115 resi dential units, two commercial units, including PFA’s own head office, as well as a hotel. Nordø is scheduled for completion in near future. Amager Strandpark After a longer transition from a predominantly indus trial location to an attractive new residential district, the eastern part of the island of Amager has undergone a remarkable transformation. As a result, this part of Amager today appeals even to those who in the past would never even consider becoming residents. Located along the coastline, this area has been successful in offering attractive dwellings nestled between the modern beach area of Amager Strandpark to the east and the Copenhagen Metro line to the west.

currently taking place, with numerous new residential units being built, including Havglimt 2, developed by Witting Ejendomme and scheduled for completion by year-end 2024. Back in 2019, Witting Ejendomme built Havglimt 1, which consisted of 85 rental apartments located on Amager Strandvej. Now another project, Havglimt 3, is on the way. The latest project is located next to the other two Havglimt projects on the corner of Prags Boulevard and Amager Strandvej. Here, an apartment complex with up to 150 rental homes will be built in 2025. In addition, the company has other properties in the area that are currently under local planning. This suggests plenty of activity in the area over the next few years. Bryggens Bastion Situated at Njalsgade/Ørestads Boulevard in the popular Copenhagen district of Islands Brygge, Bryggens Bastion neighbours the listed military monument called Faste Batteri, the only remnant of the 17th century artillery bastion in this location. Wedged in between Islands Brygge, Ørestad Nord and Amagerbro, Bryggens Bastion represents one of very few remaining infill development areas in a central location not only on Amager but in Copenhagen in general. Today, the area is being developed into a new urban district, on completion comprising 125,000 sq m mixed-use residential/commercial space. Four unde veloped building plots are still available, equivalent to approx. 52,000 sq m. The plan is to develop both resi dential and commercial space on the four plots.

In the northern part of the former industrial area along Strandlodsvej and Ved Amagerbanen, redevelopment is

Islands Brygge, Copenhagen S

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