Newsletter Q3 2017 UK
When tenants are searching for commercial lease premises, a telephone call to the local estate agent or browsing the ads in the local weeklies are about to become a thing of the past. New research by Sadolin & Albæk shows that completely different channels have come into play.
By Andreas Brandt, Senior Consultant, Sadolin & Albæk
As digitalisation is penetrating Danish society, consumer buying patterns undergo dramatic changes. The new buying behaviour not only affects retail sales but also traditionally static markets like the office letting market, where new parameters, or value drivers, influence tenants’ choice of lease premises.
Digitalisation has caused important change in the way advertisements are run. According to the latest edition of ‘Global Trust in Advertising’ by analytical consultants Nielsen, consumers believe online ratings to be the most reliable, outranked only by recommendations from personal networks and various products’ own online channels. The growing influence of online ratings on the B2C (business-to-
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