Newsletter Q3 2017 UK
Newsletter Q3 2017
Denmark tops the list of Europe’s most digitalised countries (DESI scores, Denmark 2014-2017)
Evolution over time
2014: 0.65 2017: 0.71
2014: 0.66 2017: 0.76
Integration of digital technology
Use of internet
2014: 0.57 2017: 0.72
2014: 0.43 2017: 0.62
Source: European Commission
Note: Highest score is 1.0
consumer) market ties in with the explosive growth of businesses such as TripAdvisor, Expedia and Trustpilot. For instance, TripAdvisor alone features more than half a billion approved ratings, and online ratings are increasingly used to support decisions. Digitalisation therefore plays a vital role in the consumer buying process. Change in consumer behaviour feeds through to the office letting market In a historical context, the office letting market has been a static marketplace, predominated by traditional sources of information. Among other things, advertisements in the printed media and estate agent contacts have been the preferred channels of information for the mediation of lease premises. In recent years, however, digitalisation has fed through to the office letting market too, and in this field the range of options available has seen a sharp increase for tenants and landlords alike. Sadolin & Albæk has conducted a tenant survey of the office letting market to map the value drivers of tenants and their decision-making patterns when selecting new lease premises. The survey is based on interviews with 400 private businesses across
According to the EU’s ’Digital Economy and Society Index’, Denmark is the most digitalised country in Europe. Denmark tops the list in categories such as ‘Use of Internet’ and ‘Integration of digital technology’. In addition, a growing number of Danish businesses have become more frequent users of various digital services, including the social media, as part of day-to-day business operations. The increasing availability and growing penetration of online apps greatly affect consumer patterns in society. Typically, it only requires one single click on a link for consumers to be redirected to a site where they can obtain more information about a product or buy it. This dramatically speeds up the consumer buying process.
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