
Location descriptions | Residential – Market Report 2020


With 3.6 million sq m in total scheduled for completion in multiple stages, the scale of the Nordhavn development area is massive. Fully developed, the area may accommodate more than 40,000 residents and some 40,000 workplaces. The Nordhavn district includes Århusgadekvarteret, which is expected to be fully devel- oped in 2021. In addition, the artificial island of Kronløbsøen and Redmolen will come into play as new residential development areas after the opening of the new metro station in 2020. Amager Strandpark After a longer transition from a predominantly industrial location to an attractive new residential district, the eastern part of the island of Amager has undergone a remark- able transformation. As a result, this part of Amager today appeals even to those who in the past would never even consider becoming residents. Located along the coastline, this area has been successful in offering attractive dwellings nestled between the modern beach area of Amager Strandpark to the east and the Copenhagen Metro line to the west. Islands Brygge Syd Located next to the densely populated and established Islands Brygge district, Islands Brygge Syd will comprise 190,000 sq m floorspace when fully developed, with 11,000 sq m designated for commercial use. The area is to include 1,600–1,800 residential units in multifamily and terraced houses. A new school with planned completion around 2020 is also underway. Tuborg Syd Located in Hellerup just north of Copenhagen, the Tuborg Syd district will hold some 53,000 sq m residential space, distributed on some 330 units, when fully developed in 2023. The area is expected to fetch some of the highest residential prices in Denmark, in fierce competition with Nordhavn only two kilometres from the site. North of Amager Strandpark, the former industrial area along Strandlodsvej and Ved Amagerbanen is also under redevelopment.

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